Main Content
State of Illinois Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey
Please see 110 ILCS 155/35, Illinois Board of Higher Education Task Force on Campus Sexual Misconduct Climate Surveys, and Task Force Base Survey Recommendations and Implementation Plan (pdf) for more information about this survey.
Campus Climate Report
Sexual Misconduct and Perceived Campus Response Survey
- 2017 Sexual Misconduct Survey Fact Sheet(pdf)
- 2017 Sexual Misconduct Survey Report(pdf)
- 2015 Executive Summary (pdf)
- 2015 Full Report (pdf)
- 2015 Fact Sheet (pdf)
Annual Security & Fire Safety Reports
Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act Annual Report
Please see 110 ILCS 205/9.21(b) and 110 ILCS 155/35(i) for more information about this report.
Resources & Support
Confidential Resources
- Counseling Center
(217) 333-3704 - McKinley Health Center
(217) 333-2705 - Women's Resources Center (Confidential Advisors)
(217) 333-3137 - Rape Advocacy Counseling & Education Services (R.A.C.E.S.)
(217) 384-4444 - Courage Connection (Domestic Violence)
(217) 384-4390
Non-Confidential Resources
- Champaign, Urbana, or University Police Departments
911 (Emergency)
(217) 333-8911 (Non-Emergency) - Office for Access & Equity
(217) 333-0885 - Student Assistance Center
(Office of the Dean of Students)
(217) 333-0050 - Office for Student Conflict Resolution
(217) 333-3680
Additional Resources