Academic Course Offerings

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CHLH 126: Campus Acquaintance Rape Education (CARE)

(3 credit hours)

Do you want to learn more about a social problem that is very pertinent to students on campus? Do you like classes where you can discuss topics in-depth with your peers in a safe, supportive environment? Do you want to get involved and find a way to make a difference? In this course, students will examine sexual violence in the college environment, its various institutional and cultural contexts, and how to support survivors, as well as develop practical skills for leading peer workshops for the FYCARE (First Year Consent and Relationship Education) program. During the course, students can apply to be FYCARE facilitators for future semesters. For more information, contact

GWS 399: GWS Internship

(credit hours vary)

Students interested in an internship-quality volunteer position at the Women's Resources Center or a related community agency serving women may earn course credit for their work. Scheduling, supervision, and detailed course expectations will be discussed individually and approved prior to registration for the course. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours. Students may register in more than one section per term. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: one course in Gender and Women's Studies; consent of instructor. For more information, contact